又到了介紹本人最近常聽的歌的時候了;這次要推薦的一首歌非常的古早,是Hall & Oates在1981年所發表的"I can't go for that"。最近由於在網上無意之間搜尋到了美國人所選的八零年代歌曲排行,於是就到Youtube等影音網站上找找有沒有聽起來順耳的歌曲;這首歌雖然我之前並沒有聽過,但是一聽過之後就對於他簡單的節奏、單純的伴奏和充滿磁性的合音有感覺。這個團體我之前也並不認識,後來才知道原來他們是八零年代非常知名的靈魂音樂二重唱組合。
霍爾與奧茲——史上擁有最多排行暢銷曲紀錄的超級二重唱組合,藉動人歌喉,迷人抒情曲風飲譽樂壇三十年。 出道已逾三十年,創下史上擁有最多排行榜暢銷單曲紀錄的超級二重唱組合Daryl Hall & John Oates霍爾與奧茲,不僅憑著多變的成人抒情曲風深深受歌迷的喜愛,同時也被公認為上世紀八零年代的音樂標籤。但早在七零年代,"霍爾與奧茲"就已精煉出獨特迷人的演唱風格——靈魂樂式的高亢卻略帶憂鬱。除了在演唱方面備受讚賞,由於深受六零年代晚期興起的"創作歌手運動"影響,霍爾與奧茲還幾乎一手包辦了他們專輯歌曲的創作,他們充滿睿智的歌詞通常是從真實生活的浪漫故事中吸取靈感,而他們的演唱則飽含著十分真摯的情感,以及較為健康的情欲抒發。歌曲不僅旋律流暢優美,還巧妙地融合了當代搖滾、復古流行、白人靈魂舞曲以及永恆的R&B節奏。憑著1980年的專輯"Voice",這支二重唱組合躍升為耀眼的巨星,並深受各地樂迷的喜愛。1984年他們成為了歷史上排名最高的二重唱組合,同年組合解散,各自發展。 1988年"霍爾與奧茲"為了專輯"Ooh Yeah!"重組,直到今天他們的音樂依然頗負盛名。
Easy, ready, willing, overtime,
Where does it stop, where do you dare me to draw the line.
You've got the body, now you want my soul,
Don't even think about it, say no go.
I-- I 'll do anything that you want me to do,
And I'll do almost anything, that you want me too, ooh,
But I can't go for that, (No can do)
No, I can't go for that, (No can do)
Oh, I can't go for that, (No can do)
I can't go for that, can't go for that, can't go for that.
I can't go for being twice as nice,
I can't go for just repeating the same old lines.
Use the body, now you want my soul,
Ooh, forget about it, now say no go.
I-- I'll do anything that you want me to do,
And I'll do almost anything that you want me to do,
But I can't go for that, (No can do)
No, I can't go for that, (No can do)
Oh, I can't go for that, (No can do)
I can't go for that, can't go for that, can't go for that.
(Saxophone instrumental)
Oh, I-- I'll do anything that you want me to do,
And I'll do almost anything that you want me to do,
But I can't go for that, (No can do)
No, I can't go for that, (No can do)
Oh, I can't go for that, (No can do)
I can't go for that, can't go for that, can't go for that, can't go for that.
I can't go for that, can't go for that (No can do)
I can't go, I can't go-- for that, (No can do)
Oh, I can't go for that, (No can do)
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no can do,
Oh, Ican't go for that, yeah, (No can do)
No, no, no, no, no, no.....
(Repeat to fade out)
2007年8月3日 星期五
Hall & Oates - I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do)
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