好久沒有介紹音樂了,最近能夠寫的東西也有限,就來談談小時候的回憶吧!小時候Music Video可以說是非常稀有的東西,只有在每週日的下午有一兩個節目播放西洋的流行歌曲音樂錄影帶(現在跟年輕人說有位有名的主持人叫做余光....大概都不知道是誰吧....汗)。而那時候的西洋歌曲基本上我也不太熟,畢竟小時候還不像現在,流行從小補習英文,所以也不知道那些"阿多仔"的名字和歌曲名;除了非常大牌的歌手,例如鼻子還在臉上的michael jackson,或是萬年偶像娜姐madonna。但是今天要介紹的當然不是這些人,而是一位怪咖-Weird Al Yankovic;我想聽過他的人應該不多吧!因為我也是在Youtube上找了一陣子才知道他的名字。他的出道其實非常早,早到可以回溯至1979年!現在已經是48歲的歐吉桑了~但是他之所以可以在歌壇屹立近三十年不搖,靠的就是他獨門的絕技-改編歌曲(俗稱歪歌)。
當時我在電視上看到他改編麥可的"BAD"成為"FAT",簡直是笑翻了!即使聽不懂歌詞,但是MV裡面的肢體語言也可以說明他把BAD中引誘犯罪的小混混變成引誘吃垃圾食物,變身也變成了即時變胖!另外一支改編"Beat it"變成"Eat it",也是類似的idea(看來當時非常風行減肥)。同時娜姐當然也同時遭了殃,出道曲"Like a virgin"被改成了"Like a surgeon";現在來看就比較能夠體會不只是他的表演動作夠賤,歌詞改編的也是非常巧妙!所以今天就把這首歌提供在這裡嚕~
I finally made it through med school
Somehow I made it through
I'm just an intern
I still make a mistake or two
I was last in my class
Barely passsed at the institute
Now I'm trying to avoid, yah I'm trying to avoid
A malpractise suit
Hey, like a surgeon
Cuttin' for the very first time
Like a surgeon
Organ transplants are my line
Better give me all your gause nurse
This patient's fading fast
Complications have set in
Don't know how long he'll last
Let me see, that I.V.
Here we go - time to operate
I'll pull his indsides out, pull his insides out
And see what he ate
Like a surgeon, hey
Cuttin' for the very first time
Like a surgeon
Here's a waiver for you to sign
Woe, woe, woe
It's a fact - I'm a quack
The disgrace of the A.M.A.
'Cause my patients die, yah my patients die
Before they can pay
Like a surgeon, hey
Cuttin' for the very first time
Like a surgeon
Got your kidneys on my mind
Like a surgeon, ooh like a surgeon
When I reach inside
With my scalpel, and my forceps, and retractors
Oh oh, oh oh, woe, oh
Ooh baby, yah
I can hear your heartbeat
For the very last time
原版娜姐的"Like a virgin":
2008年6月4日 星期三
Weird Al Yankovic - Like a surgeon
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1 則留言:
我! 我知道余光是誰^^